Decision Session

Executive Member for Transport


19 April 2022

Report of the Director of Transport, Planning and Environment


ePetition: CYC solve the University related parking, don’t just MOVE it



1.   The Transport team received a petition in January 2022 (led by Cllr Mark Warters), which requested that City of York council investigate and seek to resolve parking related issues in the geographic area of the University of York.

2.   Annex A contains the detail of the petition, which relates to the issue of the introduction of the extension of the Badger Hill resident parking scheme with the increase in parking on residential streets in Osbaldwick with particular concern on Tranby Avenue and increase in levels around Hull road leading to Nursery Gardens.


3.   It is recommended that the Executive Member approves the increased engagement of the School Travel team with the Archbishop Holgate School and University of York

Reason to help educate and encourage staff and students to utilise alternative modes of transport and help reduce impact on nearby residential streets.


4.   In July 2020 the Executive Member for Transport approved a consultation with residents regarding the expansion of the existing residents’ parking area around the University, which the University had agreed to fund its implementation.


5.   The Heslington East Campus Outline Consent Planning Conditions (Condition 10 and associated Section 106 Agreement) state what surveys are to be carried out and the consequences of what is to be done if University of York related parking increases by more than 20% in the vicinity of the University of York Development. This is for a period of 15 years.


6.   Consideration of extension of the Badger Hill resident parking zone was raised by Hull Rd ward Cllr Michael Pavlovic on behalf of residents in the area which was subject to regular parking surveys as a condition of the University of York planning consent. It was established that the level of displacement parking in the area met the threshold for funding from the University of York to mitigate the impact by paying for a scheme.


7.   The University of York agreed to fund the implementation of the resident parking zone to incorporate the on-street parking survey complimenting the existing residents parking zone R39 and fund the administrative costs for the issue of permits and operation of the enforcement hotline.


8.   A number of streets were identified from results of the surveys carried out over a number of years and consultation with residents. The further consultation process and implementation of any agreed set of schemes would be funded by the University of York under a Section 106 agreement. The initial subsidy will be funded in the same way.


9.   In June 2021 the Executive Member for Transport agreed to make the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) needed to introduce the extension of the resident parking zone R39 and the scheme was implemented on the ground in October 2021.


10.                Subsequently, a number of representations around road safety issues have been made by residents in the area where the resident parking scheme had not been introduced relating to an increase in on-street parking. This was followed by a petition.



The Petition


11.                The petition “City of York Council SOLVE the York University related parking, don’t just MOVE it!” ran as an ePetition from 16 November 2021 to the 31 December 2021 on the petition section of the City of York Council website. The petition received 119 signatures.


12.                The detail of the petition is in Annex A of this report. In brief:

-      By agreeing and implementing the expanded resident parking area R39, the Council has displaced parking from one area to another create serious road safety issues;

-      The displacement is focused in Osbaldwick with Tranby avenue affected and sections of Hull road leading to Nursery Gardens;

-      It is speculated that the additional cars are students of the University of York and Archbishop Holgate school;

-      For City of York and the University of York to revisit the travel plan conditional on the implementation of the expanded R39 scheme and for the University of York to open their car parks to be free to use for students and staff, which it states are currently empty;

-      For City of York Council to engage with the Head Teacher of Archbishop Holgate School and advise of the need to allow students who travel by car to park on the school grounds;


Archbishop Holgate School


13.                On the issue of Archbishop Holgate School, correspondence was exchanged with the Head Teacher post implementation relating to the impact of students of the school being displaced from nearer to the school by the enlargement of the resident parking zone and possibility of allowing students to park if there was an issue. The response was as follows:

-      All staff who drive to work, without exception, park on the school site so this should not impact on the Badger Hill resident parking scheme.  We will continue to ensure that this happens.

-      The vast majority of our Sixth Formers do not drive to school, but instead travel either by foot, bike or public transport which we strongly encourage.  Not only is this better for the environment, but from a practical point of view we do not have space on the school site for them to park.  Our bike racks are, without fail, full each day.  If any of our students are parking in the local community we will continue to work with them to make them aware of their responsibilities to park lawfully and with thought and care for others.  If provided with evidence of poor driving or inconsiderate parking by any of our students we will address that directly with them and their parents/carers.


14.                In response to a request for the Council to provide more evidence of the school being the issue, the Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers undertook a monitoring exercise of the local area. It was unclear from the observations whether there was a significant number of students from the school parking in the problem areas.


15.                If this is identified as an issue then, as stated above, education will be provided by the school to pupils making them aware of their responsibilities to park lawfully with thought and care for others. The representation also makes it clear that there is limited space.


16.                In terms of planning applications relating to the school site, a New Sixth Form Building opened in in September 2009, which went through planning in 2008 (Planning application 08/01266/ FULM). Although the provision of cycle parking is a condition for this application, there is not a condition requiring the submission and approval of a travel plan.


17.                In the absence of such a travel plan there is no requirement (to stop 6th form students who are able to drive from driving to the school and parking in the surrounding areas (except for those within the Residents Parking Zones).



University of York Parking


18.                The University of York, as outlined above, have been required to put in place mitigation (through the planning process) for the growth of the University of York and consequential increase in parked cars in the surrounding residential areas.  The University of York transport consultant continue to undertake parking surveys, with the most recent surveys being commissioned to be undertaken on the 10th March, results of which are due within 3 months.  If the surveys show parking levels to be above the thresholds (20% above 2009 baseline) in any zone a 2nd survey will be undertaken in November to ascertain whether the exceedances are caused by people who have business at the University of York.


19.                During the Covid pandemic occupancy of the University of York car parks was low as there was a reduced number of students, staff and visitors.


20.                A visual survey of University of York East Campus (capped to 1500 spaces) and West Campus car parks occupancy was undertaken by Council Officers in November 2021 (Annex B), which showed the majority of car parks to be fully occupied. The exceptions to this were those not in use at the time (fully or partially not in use) and two of the pay and display car parks at Campus West, each of which was at approximately 60% occupancy. The University of York reintroduced parking charges in September 2021.


21.                There are also several other Staff Permit Holders Only car parks for various faculties on Campus West. Various permits are available (see The ‘Standard’ permit price is 0.6% of salary (capped at £400.00). Disabled permits are free of charge.


22.                Students are encouraged not to bring their cars to the University of York and choose more sustainable forms of transport instead (see A travel plan is in place to encourage this, and is currently undergoing its 5-yearly review/revision.



Addressing safety concerns


23.                The introduction of resident parking in areas of the City inevitably leads to displacement of parked cars to neighbouring streets.


24.                The Council received complaints from residents of Tranby Avenue and Cavendish Grove of dangerous and obstructive parking that was occurring near junctions, which was causing issues with access/egress from the streets. A proposal was created to introduce ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in the affected areas (Annex C), the proposal was advertised on 14th January 2022.  The information was sent to Ward Councillors, Parish Councils, and residents of the affected areas, Emergency Services and local Bus companies. The proposal received representation both in favour and objection and a report on the matter will be presented to the Executive Member for Transport on 17th May 2022.


25.                An alternative is that residents in the affected areas can petition to have resident parking in their area.


26.                The Council Civil Enforcement Officers will continue to monitor the local area for obstructive/dangerous parking and take enforcement action wherever possible.  The School Travel team will continue to engage with Archbishop of Holgate School and the University of York, to educate students and staff about parking options and also alternative travel options that are available.


27.                The Council has for several administrations adopted an approach of incremental growth of resident parking zones across the City to respond to displacement of parking issues. Any consequential issues create by the approach has then been responded to with the same policy. The council has not adopted a blanket approach resident parking zones, but responded to each community’s issues and giving them an opportunity to engage and shape the restrictions which apply in their community.




Council Plan


28.      This report is supportive of the following priorities in the Council Plan which focuses on the key outcomes that include:

·        Getting around sustainably

·        Good health and wellbeing

·        An open and effective council



29.                Financial

The recommendation can be delivered within the existing resources.


30.                Equalities

Under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 a public authority must in the exercise of its functions have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other prohibited conduct; advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. This is known as the Public Sector Equality Duty.  A fair and proportionate balance must be found between the needs of people with protected characteristics and the interests of the community as a whole.

Initial views Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) are listed below:

·          Age – The decision in this paper will have a positive impact on young people as further work on travel planning may allow a review of options.

·          Disability – Neutral

·          Gender – Neutral

·          Gender reassignment – Neutral

·          Marriage and civil partnership – Neutral

·          Pregnancy and maternity - Neutral

·          Race – Neutral

·          Religion and belief – Neutral

·          Sexual orientation – Neutral

·          Other socio-economic groups including :

o  Carer – Neutral

o  Low income groups – Neutral

o  Veterans, Armed Forces Community– Neutral.


A full EIA will be produced if a decision to change the current circumstances is put to Members for consideration in future. The Assessment will demonstrate how the Council is considering and mitigating, where possible, any disproportionate impacts of the highway changes on people with protected characteristics and meeting its Public Sector Equality Duty. 


31.                Legal

The Council has the power to determine parking restrictions under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.  The process in York normally includes both formal and informal consultation.

Risk Management



In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy there is a low risk associated with the recommendations in this report.




Contact Details



Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Dave Atkinson

Head of Highways and Transport,

Highways and Transport




Specialist Implication



Finance – Patrick Looker (Service Finance Manager)


James Gilchrist

Director of Transport, Planning and Environment



Report Approved


7 April 2022







Legal – Cathryn Moore

(Legal Manager, Projects)



Wards Affected:  Hull Road, Osbaldwick and Derwent





For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers: N/A



TRO – Traffic Regulation Order




Annex A: Petition detail

Annex B: Survey Report

Annex C: Tranby Avenue Map